Friday, February 27, 2009

Explorace of minggu Pusat Sumber

Running..running....explorace started...

..I can't take too much picture ...because I am a leader of one of the station.
Now introduce my station task:-
1. R u sure u r from kumpulan ??
2.please choose 2 envelope (A,B,C,D,E,F,G)
4.answer the kuiz question...

just that easy..

the interesting is ....
the picture puzzle is most from ur school's teacher and some of them is menteri ppl la
the most funny is ...
+one of the contestant dunno who is the picture ppl
-but I know..Hishammuddin lor

the most geng is...
-look at the pic's ppl eye ,they know jor...
is easy de..Pn esah Mohammad 's eye who cannot figure out de ler...
the most walau+geng is
they try to rasuah me..RM5ok??
this also can
100% will refuse la
because I also dunno the answer..
they really very pandai pai ma pi..
they said..this kakak is very cun lah, can give me answer?
I know I am pretty and u know too( lie de)
but the answer is I dunno..
zha dao...
ha...ha.. ha..
the most make me blur is...
too much contestant come in same time
+I dunno want to serve who first
+they take the envelope without my order....
THen ,,
I quickly try to stop them
and give the instruction...

Time move so fast...
finally my station is finish jor,..
I go to the yuet hong station..

many ppl wor~~~`

yuet hong? yuet hong ? where r u?
looks her so bz
I juz see the contestant lor..
the yuet huet station is the last one ler~
the fastest contestant is from.....

5B 's Azyan group...

very fast..

let me introduce yuet hong station...
the task is..
choose a tema and do poster about it..
juz that easy..

let see what the contestant do..

no ..
cut and paste ..
but why like discussion??
They presenting their poster....
One of the contestant ask me the answwer of the kuiz question..
the question is ...
who is the writer of the SMKCP song?
I also dunno...
5yrs in this school ..
I never noticed it...
but I know where to find the answer...
in..majalah lor...

Finally.. explorace finish lor...
even not intersting as the chinese society de
but we have fun..
yuet hong is very tired...

The most important thing that I realise is ..
work together in a group..
like chinese pepatah.. tuan jie jiu shi li liang
or malay pepatah...bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh..
english de pepatah ler...I dunno ..haha..
only the group that have this element can win..
like Azyan group,
they work together to solve the puzzle..
and fast...


We take pic together....haha...

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